Homebuyers September 18, 2024

The Latest Builder Trend: Smaller, Less Expensive Homes

Even though affordability is improving, buying a home can still feel tough right now. But here’s some good news: builders are focusing their efforts on building smaller homes, and they’re offering key incentives to buyers. And both of these things can be a big help if you’re worried about finding a home that’s right for your budget.

Builders Are Building Smaller Homes 

During the pandemic, homebuyers were looking for larger homes—and many could afford them. Builders responded to that demand and created bigger spaces to help people with things like working from home, setting up home gyms, and having extra rooms for virtual school.

Now, with affordability as tight as it is, builders are turning their focus to smaller single-family homes. Data from the Census shows how significant this trend toward smaller new homes has been over the last couple of years (see graph below):

No Caption ReceivedBut why would builders want to build smaller homes right now? At the end of the day, builders are going to focus on building homes that meet current market demand – because they want to build what they know will sell. And the number one thing homebuyers are looking for right now is better affordability. Since smaller homes typically come with smaller price tags, both buyers and builders have shifted their focus to homes with less square footage. The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) reports:

 “. . . home buyers are looking for homes around 2,070 square feet, compared to 2,260 20 years ago.” 

And according to Orphe Divounguy, Senior Economist at Zillow:

“Not only are cash-strapped buyers continually seeking out lower-cost options, but developers are changing what type and size of home they’re producing to try and meet that need.”

How a Newly Built Home Can Help You Achieve Your Homebuying Goals

So, if you’re having a hard time finding something in your budget, it may be time to look at brand-new homes that have a smaller footprint. When you do, you may get a few other fringe benefits that can help on the affordability front – like price reductions or mortgage rate buy-downs.

According to the most recent data from Zondamore than half of builders are offering incentives, some of which are mortgage rate buydowns. And those perks could help lower your future monthly housing payment too. John Burns, CEO of John Burns Research & Consultingshares:

The monthly payment matters more than anything else and builders have responded with smaller, more efficient homes.”

Not to mention, with new home construction, you’ll also get brand new everything, have fewer maintenance needs, and get some of the latest features available. That’s worth looking into, right?

Bottom Line

With builders focusing on smaller homes, you may have more budget-friendly options when it matters most. If you’re thinking about buying a home soon, let’s connect and see what’s available where you want to live.

For sellersHomebuyers September 18, 2024

Mortgage Rates Reach Lowest Level Since February 2023

For sellersHomebuyers September 18, 2024

Mortgage Rates Drop to Lowest Level in over a Year and a Half

Mortgage rates have hit their lowest point in over a year and a half. And that’s big news if you’ve been sitting on the homebuying sidelines waiting for this moment.

Even a small decline in rates could help you get a better monthly payment than you would expect on your next home. And the drop that’s happened recently isn’t small. As Sam Khater, Chief Economist at Freddie Macsays:

“Mortgage rates have fallen more than half a percent . . . and are at their lowest level since February 2023.”

But if you want to see it to really believe it, here’s how the math shakes out. Take a closer look at the impact on your monthly payment.

The chart below shows what a monthly payment (principal and interest) would look like on a $400K home loan if you purchased a house back in April (this year’s mortgage rate high), versus what it could look like if you buy a home now (see below):

No Caption ReceivedGoing from 7.5% just a few months ago to the low 6s has a big impact on your bottom line. In just a few months’ time, the anticipated monthly payment on a $400K loan has come down by over $370. That’s hundreds of dollars less per month.

Bottom Line

With the recent drop in mortgage rates, the purchasing power you have right now is better than it’s been in almost two years. Let’s talk about your options and how you can make the most of this moment you’ve been waiting for.

Homebuyers September 18, 2024

Best Week To Buy a Home in 2024

Homebuyers September 18, 2024

The Best Time To Buy a Home This Year

shift is underway in the housing market this season. And if you’ve been sitting on the sidelines waiting for the right moment to jump back into your homebuying search, this is a great time to do it. That’s because the best week to buy a home this year is just around the corner. Your sweet spot is here.

The experts at Realtor.com study seasonal trends to figure out the ideal week for homebuyers:

Nationally, the best time to buy in 2024 is the week of Sept. 29–Oct. 5. This week historically has shown the best balance of market conditions that favor buyers. Inventory tends to be high, prices are below peak levels, demand is waning, and the pace of the market slows to a more manageable speed.” 

In addition to the historical trends and typical seasonality that Realtor.com looks at, there are also clear indicators in today’s market data that you’ll see better conditions right now than you would have over the last few years.

Mortgage rates just hit their lowest point in 19 months, and that goes a long way to help with your purchasing power and affordability. Andy Walden with Intercontinental Exchange Inc. (ICE) points out:

“Recent easing in mortgage rates brought some much-sought relief to prospective homebuyers. Along with a general cooling in home price growth, rates falling below 6.5 percent made August the most affordable month for housing since February.”

And Ralph McLaughlin, Senior Economist at Realtor.com, explains that it’s not just rates that have improved – inventory has too:

“The number of homes actively for sale continues to be elevated compared with last year, growing by 35.8%, a 10th straight month of growth, and now sits at the highest since May 2020.”

That should give you more options. At the same time, sellers now have to compete with each other for your attention. That means they’ll be more likely to negotiate because they know their house will sit on the market longer if they don’t. As Zillow says:

Buyers waiting on the sidelines could find that early fall presents a ‘sweet spot,’ where there’s less competition from other buyers, more motivated sellers and lower interest rates to finance their purchases.”

Bottom Line

If you want to make sure you’re ready to take advantage of this sweet spot, let’s connect and start the prep work now. Maybe it’s time to get off the sidelines and into the action.

For sellers September 18, 2024

Checklist for Getting Your House Ready To Sell

Homebuyers September 18, 2024

Closing Cost Tips NerdWallet

Homebuyers September 18, 2024

What To Know About Closing Costs

Now that you’ve decided to buy a home and are ready to make it happen, it’s a good idea to plan ahead for the costs that are a typical part of the homebuying process. And while your down payment is probably the number one expense on your mind, don’t forget about closing costs. Here’s what you need to know.

What Are Closing Costs?

Simply put, your closing costs are the additional fees and payments you have to make at closing. And while they’ll vary based on the price of the home and how it’s being financed, every buyer has these, so they shouldn’t be a surprise. It’s just that some people forget to budget for them. According to Freddie Mac, this part of the homebuying process typically includes:

  • Application fees
  • Credit report fees
  • Loan origination fees
  • Appraisal fees
  • Home inspection fees
  • Title insurance
  • Homeowners insurance
  • Survey fees
  • Attorney fees

Some of these are one-time expenses that are baked into your closing costs. Others, like homeowners’ insurance, are initial installment payments for ongoing responsibilities you’ll have once you take possession of the home.

How Much Are Closing Costs?

The same Freddie Mac article goes on to say:

“Closing costs vary greatly depending on your location and the price of your home. Typically, you should be prepared to pay between 2% and 5% of the home purchase price in closing fees.”

With that in mind, here’s how you can get an idea of what you’ll need to budget. Let’s say you find a home you want to purchase at today’s median price of $422,600. Based on the 2-5% Freddie Mac estimate, your closing fees could be between roughly $8,452 and $21,130.

But keep in mind, if you’re in the market for a home above or below this price range, your numbers will be higher or lower.

Tips To Reduce Your Closing Costs

If you’re wondering if there’s any way to inch that down a little bit, NerdWallet lists a few things that could help:

  • Negotiate with the Seller: Some sellers are willing to cover part or all of these expenses — especially since homes are staying on the market a bit longer now. Sellers may be more motivated to compromise, and you’ll find you have a bit more negotiation power. So don’t hesitate to ask them for concessions like paying for the home inspection or giving you a credit toward closing costs.
  • Shop Around for Home Insurance: Since rising home insurance is a challenge in many areas of the country right now, take the time to get a clear picture of all your options. Each insurance company offers their own policies and coverage, so get multiple quotes and see how they compare. Choosing a policy that provides reliable coverage at a competitive rate can make a difference.
  • Look into Closing Cost Assistance: Just like there are programs out there to help with your down payment, options exist to get support with closing costs too. While they’ll vary by area, there are programs for various income levels, certain professions, and specific towns or neighborhoods too. If you want to learn more, Experian says:

“Your real estate professional should be able to steer you toward applicable programs, and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) maintains a helpful resource for finding homebuying assistance programs in every state.”

Bottom Line

Planning for the fees and payments you’ll need to cover when you’re closing on your home is important – and it doesn’t have to be a big surprise. With the right experts on your side, you can make sure you’re prepared. Let’s connect so you have someone you can go to for more tips and advice.

For sellersHomebuyers September 18, 2024

Home Price Appreciation Is Moderating

Homebuyers September 18, 2024

Importance of PreApproval Investopedia Quote